Logo Font

The success of the business depends on the relevance of the field at a particular time, the available capital of the company and much more. Not a small role is played by the logo. A small picture with text performs an informational and advertising function. It must attract attention with its strangeness and extravagance. A person must understand what company the logo symbolizes. This is achieved through text. One of the structural elements of the inscription refers to the font. Let’s consider the process of choosing a font for the inscription in more detail and answer the question of why it is best to use the resource Turbologo for editing.

A logo is created by sports teams, special creative events, small and large companies. A picture consists of a background, a symbol, and text. The background should be chosen according to the psychological perception of the company. For example, the white color symbolizes cleanliness, perfect for a company that provides cleaning services to apartments and private homes. The symbol should represent the company. Geometric shapes, outlines of animals and plants and many other objects can be used. The inscription should inform a person about the field of activity, you can specify the name of the company or a slogan with the slogan.

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How to Choose a Logo Font

It is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

– Analyze the products of competitor companies, take for consideration the most successful solutions in your opinion, but should not be thoughtlessly copied, you product should be unique;

– take into consideration the psychological background of a font, for example, classical variants look inert, letters with curls and multiple curved forms cause positive emotions;

– use no more than two fonts in the inscription, otherwise you will be observed overload, a person will be hard to remember the logo;

– do not make the product complicated, small companies are best to use universal fonts with simple forms, they are perfectly readable, a person does not have to make multiple intellectual efforts to read them

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– Do not chase trends, as you know they change very often, you can create a logo, spend money on its promotion, and after a while the popularity of the style will go nowhere;

– Choose a font, taking into account the perception of its color scheme, it is best to give preference to the black color, such inscriptions are well readable on an automatic level, and well remembered.


It should be most responsibly to the choice of text font on the logo. It affects the perception of the inscription man and ease of reading. For quick selection of fonts for the text on the logo, use digital tools. The best option is the service Turbologo. Its database contains almost all types of fonts, the change is literally a fraction of a second. Also of the advantages should be highlighted the simplicity of the interface, the lack of fees for use, multiple other functionality.

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