social networking

India is a country with high potential for sustainable growth. The diverse geography, abundant natural resources, and the availability of a large pool of talented human resources can make it an economic powerhouse in the upcoming years. 

However, people’s reluctance to change their mindset regarding various socio-economic issues can hinder India’s growth potential. A large section of the Indian population still clings onto outdated customs and beliefs. If we are to address the prevailing social issues in the country effectively, then we must first work toward changing people’s mindsets. It may seem like a daunting task but it’s not impossible.

The current Indian education system has undoubtedly produced some world-class doctors, scientists, engineers, and managers. However, the fact remains that our education system hasn’t succeeded in changing people’s mindsets. 

Besides, every child is naturally curious to explore new things and learn from them. Unfortunately, our education system doesn’t encourage critical thinking. Right from the first day in school, students are taught to respect rules, obey their teachers, and excel in studies by mugging up a rigid course curriculum. 

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Little stress is given to developing an inquisitive attitude, the precious why’s and how’s that are crucial for developing a broad mindset. It’s time to encourage this critical thinking in schools. The resurgence of Indian society doesn’t lie in asking the right questions alone but in challenging the established answers.

Engaging in social discussions can help challenge the existing societal norms. Especially, the young generation needs to come out in the open and talk about any social mindset that needs to be changed. You can choose a social networking platform that exclusively serves people who want to engage in intense conversation. Such online discussions should be focused on not just the issue, but also on finding a solution to make the desired changes. 


Moreover, it has been observed that rigid mindsets thrive in the absence of any development. The concentration of growth and development in limited urban areas will not help break free backward attitudes. Therefore, achieving an all-inclusive growth is vital where even people belonging to backward areas may taste the fruits of development. 

Another important factor is the way of persuasion. You can’t expect a change in mindset if you paint the individual a bad picture. Nobody likes patronising behaviour. This has been a common issue with policymaking in recent years. 

For instance, a certain policy might have been genuinely good for all stakeholders but was faced with vehement protests and ultimately scrapped. The reason was the lack of discussion and consultation with all parties involved. The same stands true when it comes to changing mindsets. 

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Instead, the right way would be to show them why certain thinking is wrong and how correcting it will be beneficial for society. For example, you won’t help a cause by directly pointing out that a man is wrong in not providing proper education to his daughter. Instead, try indirect persuasion like naming women achievers like the late Kalpana Chawla and how they made their families proud. This might be a small initial step, but it can be effective.

Changing the mindset of a society marred with various issues and challenges is not easy. But no one will do it for us. It’s our country and our duty to work toward achieving the dream of a nation with a billion-strong population working with a growth-oriented mindset for a brighter tomorrow.

By Editor

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